Banksy, spraypaint on cardboard, 2003 This contemporary artist, who does everything to keep his identity secret, is an worldwide current messenger. Banksy preaches his universal political, cultural and ethical commitment in a magical way of street communication. His satirical stylistic devices bring us universal themes such as bombs and grenades, guns and tanks, monkeys and […]


Francis Picabia, oil on canvas, 1935 This important Dadaist painter was famous for his intentionally whimsical oeuvre. At first, he instigated some sort of machine cult, realizing his erotic myths about technology. After that, he dedicated himself to a variety of painting styles. He often altered his style, completely abandoning one style for the next. […]


Christian Boltanski, mixed media, 1989 The French artist of Jewish origin, born during the war, recently died on the French national holiday. Christian Boltanski maintains a sociological position in art, in which he wants to dig up the individual from the stored historical archives. With his ‘Spurensicherer’, he reconstructs the past from photography, video and […]


VICTOR VASARELY, oil on canvas An entire study of double-structured images, constructed according to geometric principles, transforms Victor Vasarely’s art into an exact science. His kinetic implementation of op art offers infinitely modifiable shapes. Paros-A was conceived during an early conceptual process and creates an impressive movement. The fascination with which Vasarely examined the optical […]


Zoya Cherkassky, acrylic on canvas, 2006 Ukrainian artist Zoya Cherkassky-Nnadi immigrated to Israel in 1991, shortly before the fall of the Soviet Union. Her work, mainly based on her own experience, is seen as a social commitment. With some stereotyping, she paints a reflection of her youth under the strict Soviet regime and the hard […]


An exceptional form of minimalism, originating from the features of the material itself, is the basis for Manzoni’s work. External influences are banned from his oeuvre. His Achromes consist of colourless cloths falling in easy folds. It is a very radical and introspective piece, which bears no relation to any other art form. Corpi d’ […]


Pablo Picasso, oil on canvas, 1960 As one of the world’s greatest artists, Picasso was at the cradle of many innovations in art. This founder of Cubism brought us his many themes that expressed his personal state of mind. Influenced by his own world, Picasso manifested an oeuvre in various materials: drawings, engravings, ceramics, sculptures, […]

Zhigang TANG

Tang Zhigang, oil on canvas, 2003 As the son of a Red Army officer, Zhigang Tang was raised under the strict rules of a highly institutionalized military world. His mother was a prison warden and so as a child he saw the difference between the powerful and the oppressed. After 20 years of service in […]


HANS HARTUNG, 1975, oil on canvas Hartung, who had fled from Leipzig, lost a leg fighting for the French army. Consistency had therefore become inherent to him. His self-expression arises from the psyche rooted in a deeper inner past, which makes him a forerunner of the art informel. T1975-H2 consists of an accumulation of broad […]


Vanessa Beecroft, C-print, 2001 The female body is central in the oeuvre of the Italian-American artist Vanessa Beecroft. She focuses on how this body is treated. Is the woman deprived of her freedom and is she regarded as a sex object, prey of idealism or victim of voyeurism? This photo captured the performance ‘VB45’, which […]