Jen Aitken, gesso and ink on paper, 2018 The Canadian Jen Aitken casts ground sculptures from concrete, evoking the Brutalism of architecture. On the one hand her work is solid, on the other hand it is delicate. They are recurring shapes, as if they are concrete puzzles. Her work invites the viewer to observe and […]


Robert Rauschenberg, collage and solvent transfer, 1974 This pop art pioneer created combination paintings with a random build-up of what the streets of Manhattan offered. They are satirical collage assemblages of different materials, with which Robert Rauschenberg made fun of the all-consuming American. His entire oeuvre fills the gap between life and art. In the […]


Emiel Uytterhoeven, black granite of Zimbabwe, 2013 This Belgian sculptor prefers the solid stone and brings our attention to the core of the fruit of a cosmic event. He observes the mass, dismantles the granite and clarifies the purity of the raw pigment. Emiel Uytterhoeven uses an illusionistic force to fathom the impenetrable mass and […]


Jean Dubuffet, acryl on paper on canvas, 1975 This pioneer of the Outsider art was fascinated by the art of the marginalized, mentally ill and children. His art too was spontaneous, expressive and honest – free of intellectualism. His working progress evolved from the colourless relief-like matter painting technique to the use of colourful fields. […]


Friedensrich Hundertwasser, watercolour mounted on canvas, 1959 This Austrian artist, known for his Viennese Hundertwasser village, was fascinated by parallel lines and spiral shapes. He detested monotonous architecture and called straight lines godless and immoral. With his onion-shaped expressions, Friedensreich Hundertwasser painted a radical thought and made his artistic world ironic and environmentally conscious. ‘Der […]


Tony Cragg, mixed media, 1985 British artist Tony Cragg, naturalized as German, has spent his entire career exploring the boundaries of traditional sculpture. He collected all kinds of found objects and explores the connection between humans and the material world. Often these are political or social approaches. Cragg also pays attention to the relationship between […]

Jonathan MEESE

Jonathan Meese, mixed media on canvas, 2008 Both verbally and non-verbally, Jonathan Meese creates an artistic chaos, drawing attention with explicit symbols and word usage. A diversity of social and political issues are used as subjects, though never in a literal sense. Any kind of aesthetics is reprehensible and the provocative scream is what counts […]


Lucio Fontana, oil on canvas, 1964 In modern art, the concept is of more importance than the actual execution. Through meditation and movement, Fontana created space on a two-dimensional surface. He made incisions and holes in monochrome surfaces. His attack on the material was part of his spatial work, the ‘concetto spaziale’. He became the […]


Ossip Zadkine, terracotta, 1932 This Russian early-cubist sculptor lived in Paris from 1909. His love for tree stubs made him a classic-modern wood sculptor. With a cubist yet solid expression, he carved elementary shapes. He also worked with clay. ‘Jeune fille avec oiseau’ is a work that breaks through the solid form to highlight different […]


Jacques Villeglé, affiches mounted on canvas, 1972 The French artist Jacques Villeglé ripped advertising posters from the walls and gathered his creation from the streets, as French pop art. This mass of glued posters, once subject to wear and tear by anonymous passers-by and weather conditions, were the epitome of its time. This ‘affichist’ recycles […]