Anna Baumgart, Acrylic resin, 2005 Anna Baumgart makes videos searching for the reality behind the identity. This Polish artist denounces social conditions where injustice is accepted out of habit. The sculpture ‘Warrior’ represents the reality in the American Guantanamo prison. The image is that of a prisoner, undressed, standing on 2 cardboard boxes and insulted […]


Guo Wei, acrylic on canvas, 2001 The Chinese artist Guo Wei paints the isolation of the individual. As a result of a strictly communist society, individuality is lost in relation to a sense of collectivity. He mainly portrays Chinese youth from large cities who, as a new generation, experience the limitations in their development. With […]

Xiaogang ZHANG

Zhang Xiaogang, oil on canvas, 2005 The Cultural Revolution left a profound impact on the Chinese people. This Chinese artist is once again looking for the former identity of his people and for this he paints his iconic ‘Bloodline’-series. Inspired by old family photos, Zhang Xiaogang creates smooth, emotionless portraits, just like porcelain dolls. Under […]

Shaobin YANG

Yang Shaobin, oil painting, 2001 The paintings of Yang Shaobin are socially engaged. His characters show painful grimaces, tormented bodies and emphasize the red colour as bloody sorrow. This Chinese dissident, who opposed the abuse of power of the ‘uniforms’, broke through worldwide with his ‘Red Violence’ paintings. His oeuvre arose from his critical thinking […]

Guangyi WANG

Wang Guangyi, acrylic on canvas, 1995 In his early work, the Chinese artist Wang Guangyi extract any form of humanistic emotion and reduced his compositions to mere formality. He took this rationalistic approach even further by dividing his canvases into grid patterns. This was followed by his ‘Great Criticism’ series in which he combined propaganda […]


Jean Tinguely, mixed media, 1990 Based on the idea that immobility does not exist, this Swiss sculptor was fascinated by machines. Jean Tinguely reconstructed all kinds of materials into a new whole and was the founder of kinetic Dadaism. With his moving artworks he emphasized the importance of change, but also criticized the industrialization of […]


Antoni Tàpies, mixed media, 1978 Antoni Tàpies is one of the pioneers of Spanish post-war art. After a short-lived influence of surrealism, he focused more on matter painting full of symbolism. He researched the characteristics of objects and materials he processed, often extracted from nature. An Arte Povera character is also characteristic of his oeuvre […]


Frank Stella, monumental mixed media, 1971 Frank Stella shunned emotion by using simple types of paint and brushes. His colourfield paintings gave the impression he worked as a house painter. Stella refused to spread paint in order to seduce and expressed himself objectively. ‘Cieszowa’ is made on a wooden panel, shaped according to his lines […]


Maria Serebriakova, plaster and wood, 1993 The Russian artist Maria Serebriakova approaches her sense of loneliness and despair in a philosophical way. She symbolizes the lost identity of mankind by using everyday, simple objects. She intertwines reality and fiction by picking things from their silent reality. Serebriakova refers to the quest for herself. There is […]


Julian Schnabel, acrylic on tarpaulin, 1990 The American artist Julian Schnabel is partly responsible for a revival of painting in the late 1970s. Like other neo-expressionists, he strived for emotional exuberance, a reaction to reasoned minimalism. Unconventional materials such as broken crockery, velvet and others added a sculptural aspect to his work. His free hand […]