Marcel Mariën, object – assemblage, 1972 The Belgian artist, writer, filmmaker and photographer Marcel Mariën caused quite a stir in his time. In many ways he always sought the limits of permissibility and undermined the certainty of every existence. Belonging to surrealism, he made connections between the Belonging to surrealism, he made connections between the […]


Erró, acrylic on canvas, 1990 The Icelandic artist Erró developed a pop art style with a critical socio-political context. At the end of the 1950s he moved to Paris and got in touch with artists of the new figuration. His work is an indictment of the prevailing power structures, from mass consumption to wars. Influenced […]


Sylvie Fleury, rollers and hairpins, 1997 The oeuvre of the Swiss Sylvie Fleury, closely involved with the living environment of her spectators, reflects the aesthetic and sentimental characteristics of the consumer society. By using various media, the artist subtly illustrates her criticism on the transience of hypes and luxury goods. With a witty look at […]


Larry Poons, oil on canvas, 1975 The American Larry Poons was born in Japan and studied a music education before starting a career as a visual artist. Musical structures, rhythm and movement are the energetic features of his oeuvre, which developed within an abstract style. His early work was made on mathematical principles, evolving further […]


Philip Pearlstein, oil on canvas, 2000 In times of pop art and abstract art, the American Philip Pearlstein maintained his urge for realism. From the 1960s onwards he focuses on depicting nudes, starting from a classical traditional view. He soon evolves into staged scenes of nude models with chosen variable attributes. He only uses visual […]


Wang Du, painted résine polyester, 2001 At the age of 16, the Chinese artist Wang Du worked under the regime of the Cultural Revolution. As a forced propagandist, he sought artistic and intellectual freedom and was arrested in 1989 for resisting the prevailing corruption. Wang Du moved to Paris where he took a critical look […]


Alan Green, oil on canvas, 1982 The ‘Block and Column Paintings’ from this British artist seem like an archive of schematic layers of paint built up from a geometric order. Experimenting within the possibilities of abstract painting, Alan Green explored the function of colour and the potential of paint almost like a scientist. Searching for […]


Berlinde De Bruyckere, mixed media, 2004 With a humanism that draws attention to the absolute emotion, Berlinde De Bruyckere creates tormented sculptures. Human bodies lack a face and avoid direct communication. The suffering, the human remnant itself, consists of eerie fleshy wax sculptures that confuse the order of our minds. The mystical visual language of […]


Donald Sultan, tar and latex on hardboard, 1988 The American artist Donald Sultan creates gloomy works and they scatter a hint of chaos. His contemporary iconographic inflated flowers and fruits are captured in the artificial soot of a post-industrial society. Sultan sprinkles his work with thick tar, indicating the derailment of a time. His monumental […]


Willem de Kooning, charcoal and paint on vellum, 1971 At the age of 22, he entrenched himself in the engine room of a boat, made an overseas trip and became an immigrant in the United States. Quarrels and friendship with Jackson Pollock confirmed the importance of Willem de Kooning as one of the founders of […]