Arman, mixed media, 1968 In 1960, the Frenchman Arman, who later naturalized as an American, was known as a co-founder of French nouveau réalisme. An art movement that emerged simultaneously with the American pop art. His ‘Poubelles’ brought household waste back to the consumer and confronted the viewer with the destructive nature of consumerism. His […]


Marcel Broodthaers, mussels – mixed media, 1966 With poetic irony, Broodthaers critically points out the cultural habit of his time and questions the relation between art and life. He moves art lovers, for example as the managing director of his own museum filled with empty transport cases, labelled with the names of several important artists. […]

Günther UECKER

Günther Uecker, mixed media, 1989 In the 1960s, Günther Uecker was a member of the art group ZERO founded in Düsseldorf, characterized by the monochrome work. In a Zen-Buddhist meditative state, he hit nails in the wood which he allowed to penetrate only partly. As from each of his preselected shapes, nail spirals sprouted organically, […]


Keith Haring, acrylic on canvas, 1984 Keith Haring quickly made a worldwide rise with his signature style. In his work, which often shows optimism, there is also his underlying criticism with which he conveys a social message. His versatile oeuvre brings out all kinds of worldly aspects: politics, drugs, media, sexuality, religion, death,… In the […]


Andy Warhol, silkscreen with diamond dust on canvas, 1981 With his iconic style, Andy Warhol was crowned pop art pope. The artist turned the art world upside down, in technique and image. The traditional painting technique was not for him, since 1961 he used his famous screen printing frames and became world famous. The genius […]