Franky D.C.

Franky D.C, oil and acrylic on canvas and x-rays, 1990 The Belgian artist Franky D.C edits pre-existing images. In this way he deprives the meaning of the original presentation with his interaction, questions the copyright character and creates a new presentation. Initially he painted on flags, often the Belgian tricolour, with theatrical cartoonish motifs. Subsequently […]

Valerio ADAMI

Valerio Adami, oil on canvas, 1968 The Italian artist Valerio Adami appropriates a pop art style of arranged chaos. From his first pop artworks, this artist has been appreciated in Parisian art circles. His colourful work has a stylized flatness with firm contours. Initially he painted living rooms and bathrooms, which later evolved into politics, […]

Qiang GAO

Gao Qiang, oil on canvas, 2003 In 1966, at the age of 72, Mao Zedong swam across the swirling Yangtze river. The goal of the dictatorial Chinese leader was to proof his fitness to his people, but the swim also had a political meaning. Based on press photographs, Gao Qiang painted a series of ‘Swimming […]


Zhang Dali, acrylic on vinyl, 2011 Under a critical code name ‘AK-47’, the Russian Kalashnikov, Zhang Dali made portraits of migrant workers, symbolizing the oppression of his Chinese fellow citizens. Infrastructure works commissioned by the government therefore resulted in short time in powerful metropolitan areas that put China on the world map. With great empathy […]

Jesus Rafael SOTO

Jésus Rafael Soto, metal, wood, nylon, 1965 The Venezuelan artist Jésus Rafael Soto moved to Paris in 1950 and emerged as one of the most important artists of op art and kinetic art. His early work had a spatial optical effect due to his composition of plexiglass planes on which lines or spiral shapes were […]


Claude Viallat, acrylic on canvas, 1973 As co-founder of the French movement ‘Supports/Surfaces’, Claude Viallat questioned the conventions about painting. This resulted in an abstract colourful style in which he used all kinds of materials as carriers and renouncing a stretcher. Besides that, his work is mostly characterised by his specific visual language. From the […]

Antonio SAURA

Antonio Saura, oil on canvas, 1960 Fighting against tuberculosis, he started painting and writing shortly after WWII. After a few years of self-examination, Antonio Saura developed a new style by the end of the 1950s. As co-founder of the Spanish art group El Paso and representative of the European informal art, mostly the American abstract […]


Cindy Sherman, gelatin silver print, 1999 The American photographer Cindy Sherman initially focused on the representation of women and the female body. She often modeled in front of her camera and questioned identity and personality. With series based on film stills, fairy tales and art history, she mainly mocked feminine clichés. The photographer also unapologetically […]


Emil Nolde, aquarel, 1946 This German artist lived close to the Danish border and chose his artist name after his birthplace. He was an early expressionist and member of the German art group ‘Die Brücke’. During World War II, his work was classified as ‘degenerate art’, for that reason Emil Nolde was even no longer […]


David Hockney, acrylic on canvas, 1988 This traditionalist has been called the prodigy of British pop art. He settled in California in 1964, where he created his work from his attention to the broad landscape perspectives of the Chinese scrolls and the influence that photography made on him. He wrote the book ‘Secret Knowledge’, an […]