Salvador Dali, watercolour, 1950

This Spanish artist was the omniscient and self-conscious genius of painting: an absurd and insane narcissist, but technically brilliant. The surrealist with the ‘critically paranoid method’, drawing on psychoanalysis and automatism. Salvador Dali’s works focus on hallucinatory exaggeration of sexual, sadomasochistic and compulsive ideas.

‘The Toady’ is haunting and comic. Salvador Dali illustrated for the most important book in Italian literature The Divine Comedy – La Divina Commedia by Dante Alighieri (1265-1321). Each canto contains a watercolour leading us through Hell, Purgatory and Paradise. Dali’s bloodthirsty excess of mannerism, which lapsed into negativism, emerged from a self-indulgent painting.


– For more works by this artist, contact the gallery. –

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