Jacques Villeglé, affiches mounted on canvas, 1972

The French artist Jacques Villeglé ripped advertising posters from the walls and gathered his creation from the streets, as French pop art. This mass of glued posters, once subject to wear and tear by anonymous passers-by and weather conditions, were the epitome of its time. This ‘affichist’ recycles the reflections of a dominant culture, which without his action were doomed to a short-lived existence. The artist tears apart the posters that were glued together and seeks his new image from a past of colours and shapes. His new paper compositions, found behind a past, form the new realism.

‘Avenue victoria’ is the street name from where the ‘nouveau realist’ Villeglé tore off the package of posters for this artwork. As an “anonymous lacerator” he preferred to place himself as an artist in a submissive position with regard to the work itself, and for this reason rarely signed his work pre-sale.


– For more works by this artist, contact the gallery. –

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